z be a latent variable such that,
z∼N(0,I), and let
θ be the collections of weights of a neural network
g(z;θ) that maps
z∈Rk to
Also, let
x given
z follow a normal distribution
x∣z∼N(g(z;θ),σ2I). We can find this distribution using an
Expectation Maximization Algorithm.
Note that for
Gaussian Mixture Models, the optimal choice of
Q(z)=p(z∣x;θ) and we found it using Bayes' rule. We were able to do so because
z was discrete and could take only
k values.
However, for more complex models like the Variational Autoencoder,
z is continous. Therefore, it is intractable to compute
p(z∣x;θ) explicitly. Instead, we will try to find an approximation of
Also note that we wanted to find
Q(z)=p(z∣x;θ) so that our
ELBO would be tight with
ELBO(x;Q,θ)=logp(x;θ)−DKL(Q∥pz∣x) Therefore,
logp(x;θ)=ELBO(x;Q,θ)+DKL(Q∥pz∣x) From this we can see that if we choose a
Q(z) such that it maximizes our
ELBO for a given value of
θ, then our KL-divergence is minimized.
From this, we can find an approximate value for
p(z∣x;θ) by choosing a
Q from our family of distributions
p(z∣x;θ)≈Q∈Qargmax(θmaxELBO(x;Q,θ)) We make a mean field assumption that assumes that
Q(z) gives a distribution with independent coordinates which means that we can decompose
Q(z) into
Finally, we assume that
Q is a normal distribution where the mean and variance come from the neural networks
q(x;ϕ) and
v(x;ψ) respectively. We set the covariance matrix to be a diagonal to enforce our mean field assumption. We can write this as:
Qi(z(i))=N(q(x(i);ϕ),diag(v(x(i);ψ))2) We use this
Qi(z(i)) to find our
ELBO for the
M step.
ELBO(x;ϕ,ψ,θ)=i=1∑nEz(i)∼Qi[logQi(z(i))p(x(i)z(i);θ)] Note that we no longer need the
E step because we are directly using our
Qi(z(i)). Therefore, instead of alternating maximization, we can use gradient ascent.
θ←θ+η∇θELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ) ϕ←ϕ+η∇ϕELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ) ψ←ψ+η∇ψELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ) Taking the derivative of our
ELBO with respect to
θ, we get:
∇θELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ)=i=1∑nEz(i)∼Qi[∇θlogp(x(i)∣z(i);θ)] Similarly, taking the derivative of our
ELBO with respect to
ϕ and
ψ, we get:
∇ϕELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ)=i=1∑n[Eξ(i)∼N(0,1)[∇ϕlogp(x(i)∣z^(i);θ)]−∇ϕDKL(Qi(z^(i))∥p(z^(i))] ∇ψELBO(x(i);ϕ,ψ,θ)=i=1∑n[Eξ(i)∼N(0,1)[∇ψlogp(x(i)∣z^(i);θ)]−∇ψDKL(Qi(z^(i))∥p(z^(i))] where
z^(i) is just the reparameterized version of
z(i) and
z^(i)=q(x(i);ϕ)+v(x(i);ψ)⊙ξ(i)We can find all three derivatives by backpropagating through their respective neural networks.
p(x(i)∣z(i);θ) depends on the decoder neural network
g(z(i);θ). And
Qi(z(i)) depends on the encoder neural networks
q(x(i);ϕ) and
Ofcourse, since we still have an expectancy, we will have to take multiple samples of
z(i) in case of
θ, and
ξ(i) in case of
ψ and
ϕ and then take an average over the derivatives.